seaweek penguin prize winner

The national Seaweek campaign is led by the Sir Peter Blake Marine Education and Recreation Centre in March each year and is a campaign that is especially important to the Department of Conservation on the West Coast with our taonga species and Marine Reserves.

This year’s theme was ‘celebrating sea creatures of Aotearoa’.  DOC held a West Coast regional photo competition again, with some great prizes from very generous local organisations – including the West Coast Penguin Trust who provided a penguin themed prize pack.  There was also a prize for the most proactive school (two nights at Ōkārito School House).

Along with other contributors, the Trust helped to judge the photos entered from Coasters as young as 4 or 5.

The winner of our penguin prize pack was Elise Caldwell of Hokitika, who said:

“I celebrate Seaweek by observing lots of sea creatures at Tauranga Bay seal colony.  I loved watching this mummy and baby seal snoozing and snuggling together.”

Congratulations Elise!

All the Seaweek 2024 photo competition winners can be found here.

“Mummy and baby seal” by Elise Caldwell
Elise Caldwell, winner of the penguin pack prize for her photo in the DOC West Coast Seaweek 2024 photo competition