Pension Insurance Corporation or PIC for short loves penguins and last year gave the West Coast Penguin Trust a very generous donation.

This UK company has had emperor penguins at the centre of their brand from the start.  Their website notes that the penguins are memorable and intrinsically appealing and of course the West Coast Penguin Trust knows that is true for all penguins.

PIC has translated the qualities of emperor penguins into their own qualities and the PIC team strive to emulate them every day, loyalty, adaptability and resilience.

Most penguins form lifelong partnerships – known as partner fidelity.  Pairs work together to protect and nurture their young and some, including the emperor penguin, cooperate with others for the wellbeing of the group.  This is translated to time invested in building long-term relationships, and being dependable and dedicated.

Penguins live in a variety of habitats and zones from equatorial Galapagos Islands to southern Australian and New Zealand coasts, South American and south African coasts to sub Antarctic islands and the Antarctic, in other words, they have evolved to live in many different climates and live successfully in water and on land.  PIC too pride themselves on their adaptability, agility and providing innovative solutions.

The emperor penguin, the largest of the 18 species of penguins, are tougher than most species, withstanding long Antarctic winters and months without food.  Again, PIC aligns itself with this remarkable bird in its strength in harsh economic conditions and volatile markets.  The little or blue penguin, the main penguin on the West Coast, is the smallest of the penguin species, but resilient in its own small way.

PIC’s charity partners are very relevant to their clients, focussing on older age and mental illness.  But their charity committee also considers providing support to other charitable trusts and, late in 2022, the committee approved a generous donation to the West Coast Penguin Trust for penguin conservation.  The approach to PIC was prompted by a personal connection in England, which just goes to show that you never know where any of us might bump into a new donor or sponsor, and we always need to be ready to invite and enable donors to help penguins!

The Trust is reliant on donations and grants and this year will be investing in improvements to the penguin protection fence north of Punakaiki and developing our foraging study to better understand the life of and threats to little penguins / kororā at sea off the Charleston coast.  That is in addition to all the business as usual including monitoring breeding success and managing threats to both little penguins and Fiordland crested penguins / tawaki, and our education and awareness programmes.  So the support from PIC is immensely valuable in maintaining and growing our penguin conservation efforts.

Not only does PIC recognise the wonderful qualities of penguins but they are also very strongly ethical and environmental in what they do, which the Trust values very highly.

PIC are investing in solar/renewable energy and decarbonising the economy, supporting social housing and universities, and has future generations in mind as they do business.  PIC employees can also take two days paid leave each year to work on volunteer projects of their choosing.

The West Coast Penguin Trust is hugely grateful for the wonderful support from PIC and congratulates the company on their various community and environmental initiatives.