Linden Brown ranger pic

Linden Brown joined the trust in the middle of the 2021 breeding season and, with some guidance from our previous ranger, Matt Charteris, we were delighted that he hit the ground running.  Field work is his passion and he brought considerable field work experience from his monitoring roles with the Department of Conservation.

Completing the monitoring and reporting for the 2021 season enabled Linden to approach the 2022 season with clarity and preparedness.  It was a big disappointment to him and to us all when the pin had to be pulled on the foraging study due to the unusual and clearly stressful conditions the penguins were in, apparently due to the marine heat wave.

Although his heart was in the field work, Linden provided excellent insights and advice for the behind the scenes work of the trust, including funding applications and reports and advocacy.  While Education Ranger, Lucy Waller, was stuck overseas due to COVID travel restrictions, Linden also stepped up to help lead education and awareness opportunities in the classroom at the beach, proving that he could be the all rounder needed as a ranger.

Sadly though, a couple of things drew him away, firstly wanting to do more field work and less time at a desk and secondly, building a new home.  He is the Trust’s third ranger to have resigned to put time into building a home!

The Trust is grateful to Linden for his contribution and flexibility and wishes him well in future endeavours.

Finding penguins deep in the flax
cutting the timber for a penguin nest box
Linden Brown cutting the timber for a nest box